Keeping your pup happy over the Christmas holidays

by Kris Rollo

Keeping your dog happy during the Christmas period involves a combination of attention, care, and consideration for your dog's needs. After all, it’s the season of giving and that often means putting the tree up, running around trying to find gifts, or new visitors coming round.

So here are our top tips for helping your dog cope over the busy festive period.


Create a safe space

Move your dog’s bed to a room that is quiet if you are planning to have lots of visitors around. Take a few toys and some water and create a retreat in case your pup needs some alone time. After all, dealing with the in-laws can be stressful for anyone!


For the social breeds

If your dog enjoys socialising, include them in family gatherings. Ensure that they are comfortable with the noise and activity, and make sure they have a quiet place to relax if needed, as mentioned above.


Don’t ditch the routine

It’s important to keep your dog’s feeding and walking routine as close to normal as possible. With everything going on and, in the run up to preparing the big Christmas dinner, it can be easy to forget about routine. If you need to, why not set a reminder on your device so your dog gets the walk that they always look forward to.


Use a diffuser

Plug in diffusers like Adaptil can help anxiety. Diffusers come in a variety of forms, including sprays, and collars, and it works by releasing the synthetic pheromone into the air or onto your dog's skin. Once plugged into the area where your dog will spend most time, it will be fully effective within 24 hours. Many dog owners start to see that their dog is calmer within about seven days of first use.

White dog with reindeer antlers on in front of Christmas tree


Use food enrichment

Licking mats, puzzles, and chews are good, but avoid rich treats like scraps from your Christmas dinner. While indulging in holiday treats, remember to share some dog-friendly treats with your furry friend. You can even make special treats at home using dog-safe ingredients.


Pick decorations wisely

Be mindful of decorations that could be harmful to your dog. Keep ornaments, tinsel, and other small decorations out of reach to prevent choking or ingestion, as dogs are drawn to new shiny things.

Also, avoid using decorations that may be toxic to dogs such as salt dough decorations, that are toxic and can cause kidney failure.


It’s the time… for quality time

Try to make some space in your routine to spend quality time with your dog. Amidst the holiday hustle and bustle, take moments to play, cuddle, and show affection to reassure your dog that they are an important part of the festivities.


We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Why not come and visit the Doggy Styling team in the new year at our Cobham dog grooming salon, our Weybridge dog grooming salon, or our Surbiton dog grooming salon.


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